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RichTextBoxWordColoringRule Class

Highlighting rule for Win32 colorful console.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  NLog.Windows.Forms
Assembly:  NLog.Windows.Forms (in NLog.Windows.Forms.dll) Version: 5.2.3+a6f5d4397ec11371a92ffd5b29f2da9844f01c95
public class RichTextBoxWordColoringRule

The RichTextBoxWordColoringRule type exposes the following members.

Public methodRichTextBoxWordColoringRule
Initializes a new instance of the RichTextBoxWordColoringRule class.
Public methodRichTextBoxWordColoringRule(String, String, String)
Initializes a new instance of the RichTextBoxWordColoringRule class.
Public methodRichTextBoxWordColoringRule(String, String, String, FontStyle)
Initializes a new instance of the RichTextBoxWordColoringRule class.
Public propertyBackgroundColor
Gets or sets the background color. Names are identical with KnownColor enum extended with Empty value which means that background color won't be changed.
Public propertyFontColor
Gets or sets the font color. Names are identical with KnownColor enum extended with Empty value which means that font color won't be changed.
Public propertyIgnoreCase
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore case when comparing texts.
Public propertyRegex
Gets or sets the regular expression to be matched. You must specify either text or regex.
Public propertyStyle
Gets or sets the font style of matched text. Possible values are the same as in FontStyle enum in System.Drawing.
Public propertyText
Gets or sets the text to be matched. You must specify either text or regex.
Public propertyWholeWords
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to match whole words only.
See Also