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Win32FileAttributes Enumeration

Win32 file attributes.

Namespace:  NLog.Targets
Assembly:  NLog (in NLog.dll) Version: 5.3.4+73d83d3161d31288ca5c554cc50d27b6bed5f28b
public enum Win32FileAttributes
  Member nameValueDescription
ReadOnly1 Read-only file.
Hidden2 Hidden file.
System4 System file.
Archive32 File should be archived.
Device64 Device file.
Normal128 Normal file.
Temporary256 File is temporary (should be kept in cache and not written to disk if possible).
SparseFile512 Sparse file.
ReparsePoint1024 Reparse point.
Compressed2048 Compress file contents.
NotContentIndexed8192 File should not be indexed by the content indexing service.
Encrypted16384 Encrypted file.
WriteThrough-2147483648 The system writes through any intermediate cache and goes directly to disk.
NoBuffering536870912 The system opens a file with no system caching.
DeleteOnClose67108864 Delete file after it is closed.
PosixSemantics16777216 A file is accessed according to POSIX rules.
See Also