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StackTraceUsage Enumeration

Value indicating how stack trace should be captured when processing the log event.

Namespace:  NLog.Config
Assembly:  NLog (in NLog.dll) Version: 5.3.1+cf6675da40ccfd4c8c526a3b2bdbeed3442910a1
public enum StackTraceUsage
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No Stack trace needs to be captured.
WithStackTrace1 Stack trace should be captured. This option won't add the filenames and linenumbers
WithFileNameAndLineNumber2 Capture also filenames and linenumbers
WithCallSite4 Capture the location of the call
WithCallSiteClassName8 Capture the class name for location of the call
WithoutSource1 Obsolete. Stack trace should be captured. This option won't add the filenames and linenumbers.
WithSource3 Stack trace should be captured including filenames and linenumbers.
Max3 Capture maximum amount of the stack trace information supported on the platform.
See Also