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AsyncTargetWrapper Properties

The AsyncTargetWrapper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBatchSize
Gets or sets the number of log events that should be processed in a batch by the lazy writer thread.
Public propertyForceLockingQueue
Gets or sets whether to use the locking queue, instead of a lock-free concurrent queue
Public propertyFullBatchSizeWriteLimit
Gets or sets the number of batches of BatchSize to write before yielding into TimeToSleepBetweenBatches
Protected propertyIsInitialized
Gets a value indicating whether the target has been initialized.
(Inherited from Target.)
Protected propertyLoggingConfiguration
Gets the logging configuration this target is part of.
(Inherited from Target.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the target.
(Inherited from Target.)
Public propertyOverflowAction
Gets or sets the action to be taken when the lazy writer thread request queue count exceeds the set limit.
Public propertyQueueLimit
Gets or sets the limit on the number of requests in the lazy writer thread request queue.
Protected propertySyncRoot
Gets the object which can be used to synchronize asynchronous operations that must rely on the .
(Inherited from Target.)
Public propertyTimeToSleepBetweenBatches
Gets or sets the time in milliseconds to sleep between batches. (1 or less means trigger on new activity)
Public propertyWrappedTarget
Gets or sets the target that is wrapped by this target.
(Inherited from WrapperTargetBase.)
See Also