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AspNetRequestRemotePortLayoutRenderer Methods

The AspNetRequestRemotePortLayoutRenderer type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAppend
Validates that the HttpContext is available and delegates append to subclasses.StringBuilder.
(Inherited from AspNetLayoutRendererBase.)
Protected methodCloseLayoutRenderer
Closes the layout renderer.
(Inherited from AspNetLayoutRendererBase.)
Protected methodDoAppend
Renders the value of layout renderer in the context of the specified log event into StringBuilder.
(Overrides AspNetLayoutRendererBase.DoAppend(StringBuilder, LogEventInfo).)
Protected methodGetCulture
Get the CultureInfo for rendering the messages to a String
(Inherited from LayoutRenderer.)
Protected methodGetFormatProvider
Get the IFormatProvider for rendering the messages to a String
(Inherited from LayoutRenderer.)
Protected methodInitializeLayoutRenderer
Initializes the layout renderer.
(Inherited from LayoutRenderer.)
Public methodRender
Renders the value of layout renderer in the context of the specified log event.
(Inherited from LayoutRenderer.)
Protected methodResolveService<T>
Resolves the interface service-type from the service-repository
(Inherited from LayoutRenderer.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from LayoutRenderer.)
See Also