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DiagnosticListenerTarget Methods

The DiagnosticListenerTarget type exposes the following members.

Protected methodCaptureContextGdc
Takes snapshot of GlobalDiagnosticsContext for the LogEventInfo
(Inherited from TargetWithContext.)
Protected methodCaptureScopeContextNested
Takes snapshot of nested states from ScopeContext for the LogEventInfo
(Inherited from TargetWithContext.)
Protected methodCaptureScopeContextProperties
Takes snapshot of ScopeContext dictionary for the LogEventInfo
(Inherited from TargetWithContext.)
Protected methodCloseTarget (Overrides Target.CloseTarget().)
Public methodDispose()
Closes the target.
(Inherited from Target.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
(Inherited from Target.)
Public methodFlush
Flush any pending log messages (in case of asynchronous targets).
(Inherited from Target.)
Protected methodFlushAsync
Flush any pending log messages
(Inherited from Target.)
Protected methodGenerateUniqueItemName
Generates a new unique name, when duplicate names are detected
(Inherited from TargetWithContext.)
Protected methodGetAllProperties(LogEventInfo)
Creates combined dictionary of all configured properties for logEvent
(Inherited from TargetWithContext.)
Protected methodGetAllProperties(LogEventInfo, IDictionary<String, Object>)
Creates combined dictionary of all configured properties for logEvent
(Inherited from TargetWithContext.)
Protected methodGetContextProperties(LogEventInfo)
Checks if any context properties, and if any returns them as a single dictionary
(Inherited from TargetWithContext.)
Protected methodGetContextProperties(LogEventInfo, IDictionary<String, Object>)
Checks if any context properties, and if any returns them as a single dictionary
(Inherited from TargetWithContext.)
Protected methodGetScopeContextNested
Returns the captured snapshot of nested states from ScopeContext for the LogEventInfo
(Inherited from TargetWithContext.)
Protected methodGetScopeContextProperties
Returns the captured snapshot of ScopeContext dictionary for the LogEventInfo
(Inherited from TargetWithContext.)
Protected methodInitializeTarget
Initializes the target before writing starts
(Inherited from Target.)
Public methodPrecalculateVolatileLayouts
Calls the Precalculate(LogEventInfo) on each volatile layout used by this target. This method won't prerender if all layouts in this target are thread-agnostic.
(Inherited from Target.)
Protected methodRenderLogEvent(Layout, LogEventInfo)
Renders the logevent into a string-result using the provided layout
(Inherited from Target.)
Protected methodRenderLogEvent<T>(Layout<T>, LogEventInfo, T)
Renders the logevent into a result-value by using the provided layout
(Inherited from Target.)
Protected methodResolveService<T>
Resolve from DI ServiceRepository
(Inherited from Target.)
Protected methodSerializeItemValue
Take snapshot of a single object value
(Inherited from TargetWithContext.)
Protected methodSerializeScopeContextNestedState
Take snapshot of a single object value from ScopeContext nested states
(Inherited from TargetWithContext.)
Protected methodSerializeScopeContextProperty
Take snapshot of a single object value from ScopeContext dictionary
(Inherited from TargetWithContext.)
Protected methodShouldIncludeProperties
Check if logevent has properties (or context properties)
(Inherited from TargetWithContext.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Target.)
Protected methodWrite(AsyncLogEventInfo)
Writes async log event to the log target.
(Inherited from Target.)
Protected methodWrite(IList<AsyncLogEventInfo>)
Writes an array of logging events to the log target. By default it iterates on all events and passes them to "Write" method. Inheriting classes can use this method to optimize batch writes.
(Inherited from Target.)
Protected methodWrite(LogEventInfo) (Overrides Target.Write(LogEventInfo).)
Public methodWriteAsyncLogEvent
Writes the log to the target.
(Inherited from Target.)
Public methodWriteAsyncLogEvents(AsyncLogEventInfo[])
Writes the array of log events.
(Inherited from Target.)
Public methodWriteAsyncLogEvents(IList<AsyncLogEventInfo>)
Writes the array of log events.
(Inherited from Target.)
Protected methodWriteAsyncThreadSafe(AsyncLogEventInfo)
Writes a log event to the log target, in a thread safe manner. Any override of this method has to provide their own synchronization mechanism. !WARNING! Custom targets should only override this method if able to provide their own synchronization mechanism. Layout-objects are not guaranteed to be thread-safe, so using them without a SyncRoot-object can be dangerous.
(Inherited from Target.)
Protected methodWriteAsyncThreadSafe(IList<AsyncLogEventInfo>)
Writes an array of logging events to the log target, in a thread safe manner. Any override of this method has to provide their own synchronization mechanism. !WARNING! Custom targets should only override this method if able to provide their own synchronization mechanism. Layout-objects are not guaranteed to be thread-safe, so using them without a SyncRoot-object can be dangerous.
(Inherited from Target.)
Protected methodWriteFailedNotInitialized
LogEvent is written to target, but target failed to successfully initialize
(Inherited from Target.)
See Also