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ScopeContext Methods

The ScopeContext type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberClear
Clears all the entire logical context scope, and removes any properties and nested-states
Public methodStatic memberGetAllNestedStates
Retrieves all nested states inside the logical context scope stack
Public methodStatic memberGetAllProperties
Retrieves all properties stored within the logical context scopes
Public methodStatic memberPeekNestedState
Peeks the top value from the logical context scope stack
Public methodStatic memberPushNestedState(Object)
Pushes new state on the logical context scope stack
Public methodStatic memberPushNestedStateT(T)
Pushes new state on the logical context scope stack
Public methodStatic memberPushNestedStateProperties
Pushes new state on the logical context scope stack together with provided properties
Public methodStatic memberPushProperties(IReadOnlyCollectionKeyValuePairString, Object)
Updates the logical scope context with provided properties
Public methodStatic memberPushPropertiesTValue(IReadOnlyCollectionKeyValuePairString, TValue)
Updates the logical scope context with provided properties
Public methodStatic memberPushProperty(String, Object)
Updates the logical scope context with provided property
Public methodStatic memberPushPropertyTValue(String, TValue)
Updates the logical scope context with provided property
Public methodStatic memberTryGetProperty
Lookup single property stored within the logical context scopes
See Also