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DatabaseTarget Properties

The DatabaseTarget type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCommandProperties
Gets the collection of properties. Each item contains a mapping between NLog layout and a property on the DbCommand instance
Public propertyCommandText
Gets or sets the text of the SQL command to be run on each log level.
Public propertyCommandType
Gets or sets the type of the SQL command to be run on each log level.
Public propertyConnectionProperties
Gets the collection of properties. Each item contains a mapping between NLog layout and a property on the DbConnection instance
Public propertyConnectionString
Gets or sets the connection string. When provided, it overrides the values specified in DBHost, DBUserName, DBPassword, DBDatabase.
Public propertyConnectionStringName
Gets or sets the name of the connection string (as specified in <connectionStrings> configuration section.
Public propertyDBDatabase
Gets or sets the database name. If the ConnectionString is not provided this value will be used to construct the "Database=" part of the connection string.
Public propertyDBHost
Gets or sets the database host name. If the ConnectionString is not provided this value will be used to construct the "Server=" part of the connection string.
Public propertyDBPassword
Gets or sets the database password. If the ConnectionString is not provided this value will be used to construct the "Password=" part of the connection string.
Public propertyDBProvider
Gets or sets the name of the database provider.
Public propertyDBUserName
Gets or sets the database user name. If the ConnectionString is not provided this value will be used to construct the "User ID=" part of the connection string.
Public propertyInstallConnectionString
Gets or sets the connection string using for installation and uninstallation. If not provided, regular ConnectionString is being used.
Public propertyInstallDdlCommands
Gets the installation DDL commands.
Protected propertyIsInitialized
Gets a value indicating whether the target has been initialized.
(Inherited from Target.)
Public propertyIsolationLevel
Configures isolated transaction batch writing. If supported by the database, then it will improve insert performance.
Public propertyKeepConnection
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to keep the database connection open between the log events.
Protected propertyLoggingConfiguration
Gets the logging configuration this target is part of.
(Inherited from Target.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the target.
(Inherited from Target.)
Public propertyParameters
Gets the collection of parameters. Each item contains a mapping between NLog layout and a database named or positional parameter.
Protected propertySyncRoot
Gets the object which can be used to synchronize asynchronous operations that must rely on the .
(Inherited from Target.)
Public propertyUninstallDdlCommands
Gets the uninstallation DDL commands.
See Also