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ReplaceLayoutRendererWrapper Properties

The ReplaceLayoutRendererWrapper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCompileRegex
Compile the Regex? This can improve the performance, but at the costs of more memory usage. If false, the Regex Cache is used.
Public propertyIgnoreCase
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore case.
Public propertyInner
Gets or sets the wrapped layout. [DefaultParameter] so Inner: is not required if it's the first
(Inherited from WrapperLayoutRendererBase.)
Public propertyRegex
Gets or sets a value indicating whether regular expressions should be used.
Public propertyReplaceGroupName
Gets or sets the group name to replace when using regular expressions. Leave null or empty to replace without using group name.
Public propertyReplaceWith
Gets or sets the replacement string.
Public propertySearchFor
Gets or sets the text to search for.
Public propertyWholeWords
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to search for whole words.
See Also