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PaddingLayoutRendererWrapper Properties

The PaddingLayoutRendererWrapper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlignmentOnTruncation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a value that has been truncated (when FixedLength is true) will be left-aligned (characters removed from the right) or right-aligned (characters removed from the left). The default is left alignment.
Public propertyFixedLength
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to trim the rendered text to the absolute value of the padding length.
Public propertyInner
Gets or sets the wrapped layout. [DefaultParameter] so Inner: is not required if it's the first
(Inherited from WrapperLayoutRendererBase.)
Public propertyPadCharacter
Gets or sets the padding character.
Public propertyPadding
Gets or sets the number of characters to pad the output to.
See Also