NLog.LayoutRenderers Namespace |
Class | Description | |
ActivityTraceLayoutRenderer | ||
AllEventPropertiesLayoutRenderer |
Log event context data.
| |
AmbientPropertyAttribute |
Designates a property of the class as an ambient property.
| |
AppDomainLayoutRenderer |
Used to render the application domain name.
| |
AppSettingLayoutRenderer |
Render value for Application setting retrieved from App.config or Web.config file.
| |
AssemblyVersionLayoutRenderer |
Renders the assembly version information for the entry assembly or a named assembly.
| |
BaseDirLayoutRenderer |
The current application domain's base directory.
| |
CallSiteFileNameLayoutRenderer |
The call site source file name. Full callsite CallSiteLayoutRenderer | |
CallSiteLayoutRenderer |
The call site (class name, method name and source information).
| |
CallSiteLineNumberLayoutRenderer |
The call site source line number. Full callsite CallSiteLayoutRenderer | |
CounterLayoutRenderer |
A counter value (increases on each layout rendering).
| |
CurrentDirLayoutRenderer |
The current working directory of the application.
| |
DateLayoutRenderer |
Current date and time.
| |
DbNullLayoutRenderer |
DB null for a database
| |
DirectorySeparatorLayoutRenderer |
The OS dependent directory separator
| |
EnvironmentLayoutRenderer |
The environment variable.
| |
EnvironmentUserLayoutRenderer |
Thread identity information (username).
| |
EventPropertiesLayoutRenderer |
Log event context data. See Properties.
| |
ExceptionDataLayoutRenderer |
Render information of Data
for the exception passed to the logger call
| |
ExceptionLayoutRenderer |
Exception information provided through
a call to one of the Logger.*Exception() methods.
| |
FileContentsLayoutRenderer |
Renders contents of the specified file.
| |
FuncLayoutRenderer |
A layout renderer which could have different behavior per instance by using a FuncTResult.
| |
GarbageCollectorInfoLayoutRenderer |
The information about the garbage collector.
| |
GdcLayoutRenderer |
Render a Global Diagnostics Context item. See GlobalDiagnosticsContext | |
GuidLayoutRenderer |
Globally-unique identifier (GUID).
| |
HostNameLayoutRenderer |
The host name that the process is running on.
| |
IdentityLayoutRenderer |
Thread identity information (name and authentication information).
| |
InstallContextLayoutRenderer |
Lookup parameter value from Parameters | |
LayoutRenderer |
Render environmental information related to logging events.
| |
LayoutRendererAttribute |
Marks class as layout-renderer and attaches a type-alias name for use in NLog configuration.
| |
LevelLayoutRenderer |
The log level.
| |
LiteralLayoutRenderer |
A string literal.
| |
LocalIpAddressLayoutRenderer |
The IP address from the network interface card (NIC) on the local machine
| |
Log4JXmlEventLayoutRenderer |
XML event description compatible with log4j, Chainsaw and NLogViewer.
| |
LoggerNameLayoutRenderer |
The logger name.
| |
LongDateLayoutRenderer |
The date and time in a long, sortable format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ffff.
| |
MachineNameLayoutRenderer |
The machine name that the process is running on.
| |
MdcLayoutRenderer | Obsolete.
Obsolete and replaced by ScopeContextPropertyLayoutRenderer with NLog v5.
Render Mapped Diagnostics Logical (MDC) from MappedDiagnosticsContext | |
MdlcLayoutRenderer | Obsolete.
Obsolete and replaced by ScopeContextPropertyLayoutRenderer with NLog v5.
Render Mapped Diagnostics Logical Context (MDLC) from MappedDiagnosticsLogicalContext | |
MessageLayoutRenderer |
The formatted log message.
| |
NdcLayoutRenderer | Obsolete.
Obsolete and replaced by ScopeContextNestedStatesLayoutRenderer with NLog v5.
Render Nested Diagnostic Context (NDC) from NestedDiagnosticsContext | |
NdlcLayoutRenderer | Obsolete.
Obsolete and replaced by ScopeContextNestedStatesLayoutRenderer with NLog v5.
Render Nested Diagnostic Context (NDLC) from NestedDiagnosticsLogicalContext | |
NdlcTimingLayoutRenderer | Obsolete.
Obsolete and replaced by ScopeContextTimingLayoutRenderer with NLog v5.
Render Nested Diagnostic Context (NDLC) timings from NestedDiagnosticsLogicalContext | |
NewLineLayoutRenderer |
A newline literal.
| |
NLogDirLayoutRenderer |
The directory where NLog.dll is located.
| |
PerformanceCounterLayoutRenderer |
The performance counter.
| |
ProcessDirLayoutRenderer |
The executable directory from the MainModule FileName,
using the current process GetCurrentProcess | |
ProcessIdLayoutRenderer |
The identifier of the current process.
| |
ProcessInfoLayoutRenderer |
The information about the running process.
| |
ProcessNameLayoutRenderer |
The name of the current process.
| |
ProcessTimeLayoutRenderer |
The process time in format HH:mm:ss.mmm.
| |
RegistryLayoutRenderer |
A value from the Registry.
| |
ScopeContextIndentLayoutRenderer |
Renders the nested states from ScopeContext like a callstack
| |
ScopeContextNestedStatesLayoutRenderer |
Renders the nested states from ScopeContext like a callstack
| |
ScopeContextPropertyLayoutRenderer |
Renders specified property-item from ScopeContext | |
ScopeContextTimingLayoutRenderer | ScopeContext Timing Renderer (Async scope)
| |
SequenceIdLayoutRenderer |
The sequence ID
| |
ShortDateLayoutRenderer |
The short date in a sortable format yyyy-MM-dd.
| |
SpecialFolderApplicationDataLayoutRenderer |
System special folder path from ApplicationData | |
SpecialFolderCommonApplicationDataLayoutRenderer |
System special folder path from CommonApplicationData | |
SpecialFolderLayoutRenderer |
System special folder path (includes My Documents, My Music, Program Files, Desktop, and more).
| |
SpecialFolderLocalApplicationDataLayoutRenderer |
System special folder path from LocalApplicationData | |
StackTraceLayoutRenderer |
Stack trace renderer.
| |
TempDirLayoutRenderer |
A temporary directory.
| |
ThreadIdLayoutRenderer |
The identifier of the current thread.
| |
ThreadNameLayoutRenderer |
The name of the current thread.
| |
TicksLayoutRenderer |
The Ticks value of current date and time.
| |
TimeLayoutRenderer |
The time in a 24-hour, sortable format HH:mm:ss.mmmm.
| |
TraceActivityIdLayoutRenderer |
A renderer that puts into log a System.Diagnostics trace correlation id.
| |
VariableLayoutRenderer |
Render a NLog Configuration variable assigned from API or loaded from config-file
| |
WindowsIdentityLayoutRenderer |
Thread Windows identity information (username).
Enumeration | Description | |
ActivityTraceProperty | ||
AssemblyVersionType |
Type of assembly version to retrieve.
| |
GarbageCollectorProperty |
Gets or sets the property of System.GC to retrieve.
| |
LevelFormat |
Format of the ${level} layout renderer output.
| |
ProcessInfoProperty |
Property of System.Diagnostics.Process to retrieve.
| |
StackTraceFormat |
Format of the ${stacktrace} layout renderer output.