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NestedDiagnosticsContext Methods

The NestedDiagnosticsContext type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberClear Obsolete.
Clears current thread NDC stack.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllMessages Obsolete.
Gets all messages on the stack.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllMessages(IFormatProvider) Obsolete.
Gets all messages from the stack, without removing them.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllObjects Obsolete.
Gets all objects on the stack.
Public methodStatic memberPeekObject Obsolete.
Peeks the first object on the NDC stack
Public methodStatic memberPop Obsolete.
Pops the top message off the NDC stack.
Public methodStatic memberPop(IFormatProvider) Obsolete.
Pops the top message from the NDC stack.
Public methodStatic memberPopObject Obsolete.
Pops the top object off the NDC stack.
Public methodStatic memberPush(Object) Obsolete.
Pushes the specified object on current thread NDC.
Public methodStatic memberPush(String) Obsolete.
Pushes the specified text on current thread NDC.
See Also